XR-based Police Training Platform
Project title
- XR counter-terrorism education and training test bed establishment
Funding source
- Government (National Police Agency)
- 2021-04-01 ~ 2025-12-31 (4.75 years)
Key Areas in Computer Science
- Speech Processing; Behavior Planning; Video Action Recognition
- This project aims to build an XR-based education and training testbed to alleviate public anxiety in the rapidly changing security environment, and to increase the ability of frontline police officers to make quick judgments and respond to tensed situations by repeatedly training them in similar situations. To achieve this goal, the project develops testbeds of a virtual training system, establishes advanced virtual training platforms and simulator environments for complex terrorism responses, equipped with interactive and variable scenarios and advanced training contents, and also operates a mobile training platform that can proactively respond to the changing security requirements nationwide. Our Lab’s role in this project involves speech recognition and synthesis, plus activity recognition from video images.
Recent topics of interests
- Automatic Speech Recognition Specialized in Police Domain
- Text-to-Speech with Zero-Shot Voice Cloning
- Real-Time Action Recognition of Trainees from Videos