The United Associates Voucher Project
Project title
- Smart home platform technology for AI learning assistant for English conversation
Funding source
- Government (IITP)
- 2021-06-01~2022-05-31 (1 year)
Key Areas in Computer Science
- Intelligent Assistant; Chatbot Dialogue; English Conversation
- This ICT Innovation Voucher project was sponsored by the government to support R&D activities for a startup company called United Associates, whose business model was to launch services aiming to help elementary school pupils to learn and improve their English-speaking capabilities. In addition to generating English sentences to converse, the project developed additional technologies supporting linguistic communication such as empathetic Chatbot, personalization, and recommendation, plus technologies supporting visual appearance such as facial expression and gesture generation of the avatars. The company United Associate has developed the product successfully, and is providing the services actively.
Recent topics of interests
- Personalized Adaptive Intelligence Learning Assistant
- Learner’s Profile Management and Persona-Based Conversation
- Pose-Guided Personal Avatar Generation